At Midwest Healthcare & Physical Medicine our approach to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is multidisciplinary. The proper diagnosis is the first step. Our doctors are Board Certified in Electrodiagnostic Studies and can perform a nerve conduction study to determine whether or not carpal tunnel syndrome is the accurate diagnosis. If carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed, then a program is implemented involving rehabilitation including chiropractic, and physical therapy.
If you would like a complimentary consultation to determine whether or not you have carpal tunnel syndrome and to see if Midwest Healthcare & Physical Medicine can help you, contact us immediately.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition characterized by pain, numbness and tingling in the hands and fingers. This condition is caused by compression of the median nerve as it crosses the wrist. The median nerve travels from the middle of the neck and down to the fingers; specifically providing nerve supply to the thumb and index finger. Weakness of the hand can follow in more severe cases.
Causes of Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused most commonly from chronic repetitive use of the hands; particularly with the wrist in the extension position as is most commonly experienced while typing on a keyboard. Other types of repetitive uses can cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome such as a new mother constantly holding her child’s car seat with a new born baby or holding a pan as a cook or chef.
How is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed?
Two orthopedic tests are commonly used to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. These tests are the Tinel’s Test and the Phalen’s Test. Physicians will perform the Tinel’s Test by tapping on the involved side wrist on the palm side. The test is positive when the symptoms are magnified into the hand and fingers and/or when the patient experiences electrical pain and nerve sensations during the tapping.
During the Phalen’s Test, the patient forces their hands into a “reversed prayer” position where the back of the hands are touching and the fingers are pointing to the floor. The patient is asked to hold this position for up to a minute and reports any abnormal sensations. The test is positive when the symptoms in the hand or fingers magnify or if the patient experiences electrical or other abnormal types of sensations into the hand or fingers.
The gold standard test for carpal tunnel syndrome is called a nerve conduction study (NCS) and is performed by a physician board certified in Electrodiagnostic Studies. The NCS can tell right away whether someone has carpal tunnel syndrome as well as the severity of the carpal tunnel syndrome.
In some cases, symptoms mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome are actually coming from the neck and are caused from pinched nerves in the neck. Additionally, someone may have what is called the Double Crush Syndrome. Double Crush Syndrome is when the patient has both carpal tunnel syndrome and pinched nerves in the neck.
How is Carpal Tunnel Traditionally Treated?
Mild to moderate cases of carpal tunnel syndrome are treated most effectively with rehabilitation using both physical therapy and chiropractic care.